Speed Reading : How effective?

2 min readNov 13, 2021

Speed Reading is a 'read-quick' method of read that involves, chunking, skimming and scanning, and using the eye as visual guide.
In skimming, the reading visually and voraciously runs through the pages with their eyes to get the 'gist' . It may be reading the introduction and ending paragraphs or reading the first sentences of paragraphs while scanning involves actually looking for the main idea through a visual organization of information like using a mind map. When a reader draws an image around a single concept; arranging information about the concept in a hierarchical order, they have created a mind map. (Example; a mind map on the various type of chickens.)
Speed reading involves a quick process of preview, overview, read, review and recite; and by read and recall; a skill honed through practice.
Speed reading is important to learn as much as you can in the shortest amount of time. Techniques include; Using a pen or your finger to trail words as you study or using peripheral vision to read more words than what your main line of vision sees. This is called 'Chunking'. While reading, it is also important to preview mentally and ask questions about highlighted information. Try not to re-read. This is a common mistake.
Cross-examination is also vital while speed reading. Read at least four words group by group. While at all of these, try to reduce environmental distractions and noise.

Most importantly, outline what you
would like to accomplish before speed reading and be 'single-minded' about it.

Having mastered this, you alone get to decide if this is an effective reading method and/or where/when it applies.




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